ManiKids Peanut Butter-themed Activity Packs
February 10, 2021

We have launched the first in a series of ManiKids peanut butter-themed activity packs. Containing games, facts, home-cupboard-friendly and easy to reproduce recipes and a competition, these print-at-home packs have been designed to keep young minds and hands occupied for an afternoon or two, with three versions spanning from EYFS to KS2.
In our peanutty-pack we are giving budding artists and designers the chance to have their own label design printed on one of our peanut butter tubs. The winner will be sent a year’s supply of peanut butter and to inspire their creativity further, a prize totalling over £45 from our friends at Scout & Co Kids containing a giant colouring poster from OMY, a rainbow of Ooly art supplies and an excellent art activity book, Think And Make Like An Artist, which encourages kids to experiment with painting, sculpture, paper craft and more.
* All entries for the competition close end of April*